Oasis of Hope – Blog2018-06-07T15:45:27-07:00

AHCC: Cancers Natural Enemy

A good method on how to boost the immune system is through the use of active hexose correlated compound (AHCC), an extract obtained from several kinds of mushroom. Mushroom extracts are known to have immunomodulation and antitumor effects. AHCC is very effective in strengthening and optimizing the capacity of the [...]

July 28th, 2015|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

Managing Cancer as a Chronic Illness

By Leslie Vandever Most of us think of cancer as being curable or not-curable, with few—if any—stages in between. But the fact is that many people live with cancer. Their disease might be in remission, or stable: their cancer isn’t gone, but it isn’t growing or spreading. For others, cancer [...]

How Fish Oil Helps Prevent and Treat Cancer

Fish oil is a unique and rich source of the long-chain omega-3 fatty acids EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). A small structural difference distinguishes these from the omega-6 fatty acids found in plant-derived oils. EPA and DHA can play a valuable treatment role. A number of studies show [...]

Chronic Stress and Immune Suppression

There is no greater cancer control agent than your own immune system. In fact, if the system is functioning perfectly, it's actually impossible for cancer to proliferate and develop into tumors. Among its many different cells with different tasks - monocytes, macrophages, dendritic cells, T cells, B cells, are natural [...]

Cure to Cancer Conference

Did you know there are 40 million people in the US right now diagnosed with cancer, and millions more around the world, and most of them do not have the insurance, finances, or ability to go through conventional treatment in a traditional hospital? Did you also know that many people [...]

H.O.P.E. Team

Probable nobody has a cancer support team assembled when they are first diagnosed. But there's no doubting the importance of organizing a network and wrapping support around yourself. Here is an acronym, using the word HOPE, to help build your support group: H Helpers Accept help for everyday needs: shopping [...]


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